This guy would be turning in his grave if the most infuetial person in the Stoke On Trent Pottery Industry, (yep there used to be one not so long ago, all gone due to cheaper imports and Foreign take overs!). This guy invented the Wedgewood Blue pottery, the stuff with the white faces and stuff on the side (every one has a bit of the stuff around these parts, a sort of badge of honour, you cant be a true potter if you aint got a piece!). From the vurtual hundreds of thousands who use to work in the Pottery industry, it is now down to the few thousand or so! Progress, yes I love it, from families working together in the same Pot bank, to the same family signing on the dole!...... and this was before this resesion hit us !!!!...................Rant over, on to the picture the father of the Pottries (Stoke On Trent, for the ones who were wondering!).....
Josiah Wedgewood......
If anyone has any comments about how great my work is or more likely how it can be improved let me know....... Ill just drink loads more coffee and sulk in the corner for a bit then see what I can do to improve it,........................................ if it needs it.!